This Christmas was a pretty special one for the Johnson family, because it was our first Christmas at home! It was such a blessing to be able to attend the Christmas Eve service at our church, although I wasn't able to listen to the message due to the lack of childcare and my child's new found ability to walk...still hoping to listen to it online!
We spent the morning as a family of three...opening stockings, eating cinnamon rolls (thanks Kimiko!), reading the Christmas story in Luke, and praying and singing together. It was a truly special time. And very different from any other Christmas morning I have ever had. Much, much quieter :)
How does it feel? To be done with all the holiday craziness and to finally be putting away all those decorations that take up space in your garage for 11 months out of the year. It's amazing how quickly Christmas comes and goes, and that is why I am realizing it is so important to set our minds on things that are eternal and not on the things of this world. I want to dwell on the Savior more than on my Christmas "to-do list". The holiday business comes and goes, but the birth of our Savior (which is indeed the reason for the season) is something we can meditate on and give glory to God for all the days of our lives! His birth was the incredible beginning of the fulfillment of our God's salvation plan for us!
I love Christmas, and I pray the story of the birth of our Savior will never become ordinary to me! I am always amazed when I think about the King of the World coming down to earth as a tiny babe to live among sinners who in the end, hate Him. And it is those same and I....that He dies for! Christ is indeed the ultimate example of what it means to be humble!
Sooo...after presents, we headed on over to a wonderful, delicious meal that my sister-in-law prepared at the Parker home, and were spoiled with even more presents from Kimiko's parents! What a treat! :) In the evening I went with them to look at some incredible Christmas lights (which apparently too many people do on Christmas was crazy! :))...Linnea melted down by the end of the day and Aaron was not feeling well from a sinus cold, so they were not able to come with us, but Linnea thoroughly enjoyed the lights when we went out a couple nights later!
Here are some pictures and videos! Enjoy!
She hung on to this ornament for a long time after...wouldn't put it down. Definitely likes it! :)
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