Monday, September 21, 2009


Who could resist this?

Here are a couple pics to kind of give you an idea of how much she has grown...

A few days old

One month old


Michelle P said...

Thanks for the adorable pics Kim...and wow! she has grown this month! Guess she's not having trouble eating! :) Love you guys!

Sandy said...

OOOHHHHH! She's SOOOOOO beautiful and precious and adorable and ...I just can't wait to HOLD her again!!!!
Wow, it is amazing how much she has grown! The glories of God's creation and sustaining power!! LOVE YOU ALL!

Beth said...

She is so adorable, and has grown a lot. What a beautiful little girl!!

The Pichura Family said...

Oh, Kimmy! I cannot wait to hold her too!!!! The end of October can not come soon enough!!!! :)
Love you!

For His Glory said...

NO MORE PHOTOS! unless you want me to come and actually kidnap her :) No seriously, is being a mommy not the most beautiful gift from God!?