Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Once Was Lost Has Now Been Found

(Utter amazement at Mommy's discovery!)
Soooooooo....I was beginning to think nobody loved me anymore :( Actually, I don't think I could ever base my opinions of someone's care for me based on wether or not they comment on my blog. Now that would just be ridiculous! BUT, I really was beginning to think everyone dropped off the face of the earth! might laugh at some of the thoughts that have gone through my head.

"People who used to comment a lot must just be going through a super busy time of life right now!"

"I think my sister said something on the phone like "well you saw this in my email, but..." but I hadn't gotten an email from her or a comment....hmmm I wonder if she is commenting and for some reason I am not getting her comments. I should have said something on the phone, but I may have misheard her. But if I ask her and she isn't commenting then she will think that she has upset me in some way for not commenting, which is not the case, so I'll give it more time and see if she ever comments again :)."

"Why aren't people answering my questions in my comments on their blogs? Hmmm...same thing...must be busy."

I really am laughing out loud because doesn't that all sound SO....... pathetic?? Haha...I just want you to know I wasn't losing any sleep over this and to be honest, I really havn't been "bothered" by it, just a bit perplexed! Comments make me smile, but I get so much joy from everything else in my life, that I have been in no way shape or form grieved by my lack of comments. And I definitely have not thought that you all out there do not care about me! Haha...I laugh at all this....really, I do!!

SO........on to my remarkable REVELATION!! I HAVE been getting comments!!!!!!! I am still laughing. I used to get all my comments emailed to me, but for some reason they started going to my spam folder, which I did not realize, so I wasn't publishing them. I totally forgot their is a "comment moderation" page you can go to on your blog to publish comments, so it didn't even dawn on me to check there! BUT I went on a hunt for my lost comments today. Because deep down inside, I just knew that my sister who commented on almost every blog before is not that negligent (don't you feel special Kristin? :)) And after my little comment-hunt, I found all your comments totally lost in cyberspace!!! YEAH!!!!!!

Honestly. Yeah! Thank you SO much for your sweet comments that really DO make me smile. That encourage me. That give me new ideas and other ways of looking at things. I don't write so that I can get comments to uplift me, I write because I LOVE sharing with you all what the Lord is teaching me and our family, and giving you pictures to see, since most of you live far away. I write so that our family has something to look back on. And there are more reasons...but none of them is to fish for complements. All that to say, THANK YOU. Thank you for your precious and kind words. For your one sentence comments that sometimes make me cry because I dearly miss many of you. ALL of you are a blessing to me, both in big and little ways!

So! There you have it! If YOU were at the opposite end wondering why I hadn't posted any of your comments, now you know that it was NOT because your comments were not worthy of posting. What once was lost has now been found! Your comments are all posted for the world to see that people in fact....DO read my blog :)


Laura Tischer said...

I have to admit, I've never commented, but I do enjoy reading your blog and latest in the Johnson household! Also good to read and see how things are going : )

For His Glory said...

That is sooo funny! I think I would of started to feel the same way too :) I do believe I am seeing a bit of the "Pichura" side in this little girl...I do think I might be seeing a bit of Faith in her! Boy is there ever a dominant gene in that side of the fam!!

Beth said...

I have wondered that before as well. You're not alone. You are funny. Your little one is gorgeous. Such a pretty little girl she will be. We need to have another game night sometime soon :)

The Pichura Family said...

That is so funny...I meant to ask you if you were getting my comments...I wrote a couple of long ones and couldn't figure out why they were not getting posted...but then, I kept forgetting when I talked to you to ask you! :) Thanks for clearing up the mystery, Nancy Drew! :)

Can you come visit so I can feed Linnea for myself? :)

Paul said...

You wrote a lot about COMMENTS, but I have to say that picture of Linnea is a crack up! haven't seen a funnier face!! Love ya guys!